this was a test that Greg gave use to see if we could do this picture..i wasnt fussed on it but once again my lovely chum Sheryl fell for its away to hang on her wall now!
I did this at Chris 's class wasnt happy with it at all but when it dried it didnt look too bad,,my lovely chum Imelda wanted it...dear love her, her walls are covered in my pictures...
I was at a pastel class and had time to do a quick picture so in my watercolour class is a lovely ladie called Norma..who everytime we paint a picture asks can we not have a puffin in guess what I did for her.... She was glad!
we had to put a watercolour in to an exhibition in Lisburn Art Centre .It was to showcase our teacher Chris Deardens own work and those of his classes...guess what..It sold!!!!
my neice wanted a picture of a cow so I did this one in pastel.Ive since found out she mean a black and white one..oh dear...she got a highland one instead...She still likes it anyway...phew!